Updating Peachtree

What’s New? – Many users don’t upgrade their software. Sometimes there are valid reasons for not doing so, but in general, one should budget for period upgrades, particularly if you’re using Peachtree Accounting. As discussed in the previous newsletter, users of version 7 and earlier can no longer receive technical support from Peachtree. You also will no longer be able to purchase the annual payroll tax updates! So, with that said, what will you gain from upgrading? Here’s a quick synopsis of the best new features added in recent versions:
Version 8 – Major improvements in speed, a new “global search” feature on the find menu, preview for invoices and checks Peachtree 2002
Version 9 – Change accounting periods with 2 clicks via the status bar, ability to drill down to related invoices on the Receipts and Payments screens, new Year End Wizard Peachtree 2003
Version 10 – Ability to drill down on income statements viewed on screen (at last!), plus all of the annoying prompts that formerly appeared when you print a check or invoice are combined into a single screen, improved purge wizard. This isn’t to say that these are the only new features in each release, but rather the features that most users will benefit most from. For a detailed version of what’s new in your version of Peachtree, click Help, Contents, and double-click on What’s New. Based on the pace that Peachtree includes compelling new features, many of our Peachtree clients find it best to purchase every other upgrade. No matter whether you get every other upgrade, or now every 3rd one, budget for it. Peachtree can’t stay in business if no one upgrades their software, plus the new features often make life a bit easier.